Love is a very funny thing.
It's pretty much the same, and not all at the same time.
Since everyones different, the way you love someone is different.
How many great loves do you think you get in this life?
How many times can you love so much it hurts your heart?
Sometimes you feel like you've grown, but standing still at the same time.
This spot is so secure, but so scary because the floor is crumbling
away and all you'll have to do was step out...
What's so hard about moving away and leaving everything behind?
There's nothing holding you there. There's nothing keeping you
planted firmly behind back then and right now.
So many times the knock has come to your door, but you
were too afaid to open it up. What happened if you opened it?
Losing something you never really had... finding something you
always should have had... The reality of it feels like a fantasy.