When I was younger and I felt something, I acted on it. I never held emotions back,
I never pushed them aside. I ran full force right into it. I fought off everything.
Once you find out you have cancer, and you're living on nothing but emotions you
start to realise how petty some things are. How silly you are for all your over-reacting
on over driven emotion.
When I'm mad, real made, I can feel it in my body. My heart races, my stomach churns, my arms and legs and voice shakes.
When I hurt, my heart felt like it was ripping right out of my chest.
Without pity, ripping out of my chest is about the exact feeling you have when someone
tells you, you have a tumor in your head the size of a nickel because of all the chemo they
put you on the kill the cancer in the first place.
Something I would have gotten mad over before, doesn't seem so quite important.
Mistakes aren't the end of the world and you only have one life to live.
I'm not finished making mine, but that's alright, at least you won't ever be able to
say I won't feel it. I didn't feel it. I didn't live it.