It's been harder and harder for me to go onto the internet after work
and the doctors. I've started to not even bother, the computer sits there
all week at home, unused. It's been the same ole, same ole these days.
The tumor in the head shrank with steroids and I went on an aggresive
chemo treatment for 16 weeks twice a week with chemo injected directly
into my spine. It was harsh and rough and it took alot out of me.
The only thing I like to do now is sleep when I can, if I can and for as long
as I can.
They've put me on different medicine but I've remained tough throughout.
I still go to work everyday and I try not to whine or cry about my situation,
I've realized finally there really is no point.
Alot of things have happened since May. Mostly crazy horrible things but
I've gotten through most of them unscathed.
My brother is having another child. This makes number 6. He moved in with
my mother with 4 of the kids so their lives have been crazy.
I'm still in Quincy and end up driving a 100 miles aday just to get back and forth
to work. It was a little crazy when gas prices rose. I would end up paying 160 a week
just to get to work and that doesn't even count anything else.
I've been to a few weddings, a few more funerals. It's been a sad time in life.
This year has been pretty rough, and I don't really see it getting much easier until
2009 but there's always hope that this too shall pass.
I've been spending alot of time reading the bible when I can keep my eyes open,
and laying in bed watching television and movies when I can't.
The tumor came back as of 2 weeks ago and though it was the size of pea it's now
formed into the size of the nickel and is pinching the main artery in my brain.
I've seen the nuerologist, oncologist, and we're working on a plan. So we'll see.
I never really pictured this is how my life would be, waiting it out day to day, but
this is the hand God dealt me and I plan on playing it til the end.
Thank you for all the emails and concern as to where the heck I went from May until
now. I bet a few people thought I fell off the face of the earth or ended up in it.
So I came to say I'm still here, still kicking, still fighting...