Just Di
You've got to love... yourself...

"Song For A Friend"
Jason Mraz
Well you're magic he said
But don't let it all go to your head
Well I bet if you all had it all figured out
Then you'd never get out of bed
No doubt
All the thing's that I've read what he wrote me
Is now sounding like the man I was hoping
To be
Keep on keeping it real
Cause it keeps getting easier indeed
He's the reason that I'm laughing
Even if there's no one else
He said, you've got to love yourself
You say, you shouldn't mumble when you speak
But keep your tongue up in your cheek
And if you stumble on to
You better remember that it's humble that you seek
You got all the skill you need,
You got something
Call it gumption
Call it anything you want
Because when you play the fool now
You're only fooling everyone else
You're learning to love yourself
Yes you are
There's no price to pay
When you give and what you take,
That's why it's easy to thank you
Let's say take a break from the day
And get back to the old garage
Because life's too short anyway
But at least it's better then average
As long as you got me
And I got you
You know we'll got a lot to go around
I'll be your friend
Your other brother
Another love to come and comfort you
And I'll keep reminding
If it's the only thing I ever do
I will always love
I will always love you
Yes you
I will always, always, always, always love
I will always, always love
I will always, always love, love
Climb up over the top.
Survey the state of the soul.
You've got to find out for yourself whether or not you're truly trying.
Why not give it a shot?
Shake it. Take control and inevitably wind up
Find out for yourself all the strengths you have inside of you.
[Thanks to oceansurf583@yahoo.com for correcting these lyrics]
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My ode for leaving..
with hope in my heart.
To walking into a future
I never thought was possible.
So so sad then.
You can't understand the fear
if you've never experienced the
words floating around your head.
So so sad then.
Scared, alone, locked inside.
So unreal and hopeless.
It's something you could never
really understand.
Never under estimate the marvels
of modern medicine!
Never under estimate the power
of love like no other to help
you walk with your head high
and heart willing to make a change.
So so happy now.
Free, surrounded, hopeful.
Positive results in the heart's
Your dead cells, just that, dead.
The blood pumping now, free.
Scream it from the top of my lungs
from that mountain of fright
that is crumbling below.
Open sky, arms reached out wide.
Laughing, truely laughing.
No fear left inside me.
No doubt, but that laying at my feet.
Jason Mraz
Drain the veins in my head
Clean out the reds in my eyes to get by security lines
Dear x-ray machine
Pretend you don't know me so well
I wont tell if you lied
Cry, cause the droughts been brought up
Drinkin' cause you're lookin so good in your starbucks cup
I complain for the company that I keep
The windows for sleeping rearrange
And I'm nobody
Well who's laughin now
I'm leaving your town again
And I'm over the ground that you've been spinning
And I'm up in the air so baby hell yeah
Well I can see your house from here
If the plane goes down, damn
I'll remember where the love was found
If the plane goes down, damn
Damn, I should be so lucky
Even only 24 hours under your touch
You know I need you so much
I cannot wait to call you
And tell you that I landed somewhere
And hand you a square of the airport
And walk you through the maze of the map
That im gazing at
Gracefully unnamed and feeling guilty for the luck
And the look that you gave me
You make me somebody
Ain't nobody knows me
Not even me can see it, yet I bet I'm
I'm leaving your town again love
But I'm over the quilt that you've spinning
And I'm up in the air, so baby hell yeah
Oh honey I can see your house from here
If the plane goes down, damn
I'll remember where the love was found
If the plane goes down, damn
You keep me high minded
You get me high
Flax seeds, well they tear me open
And supposedly you can crawl right through me
Taste these teeth please
And undress me from these sweaters better hurry
Cause I'm keeping upward bound now
Oh maybe I'll build my house in your cloud
Here I'm tumbling for you
Stumbling through the work that I have to do
Don't mean to harm you
By leaving your town again love
But I'm over the ground that you've been spinning
But I'm up in the air, said baby hell yeah
Oh honey I can see your house from here
If the plane goes down, damn
I'll remember where the love was found
If the plane goes down, damn
I'll remember where the love was found
If the plane goes down, damn
Well I'll remember where the love was found
If the plane goes down, damn
Who do you
Think you are, are, are, are
To keep me so oh cold, cold
You keep me high minded
You keep me high minded
You get me high minded
You get me high
[ www.azlyrics.com ]
We were walkin along the ocean.

Together, hand and hand.

When I stopped to write, I love you,
in the sand.

And when I looked up you were standing
ten miles out at sea.

And in a sweat I woke up from that
crazy dream.
And as I reached to hold you in the
morning light.
It was just your pillow I clung to,
so tight.
But for a minute there,
I thought it was you.
But for a minute there,
my prayers had come true.
For a minute there,
I began,
again, to live.
What I wouldn't give...
for just a minute there.5 o'clock on Friday, sittin at a light

when this angel walked right by me
on my right.

And the cars all started honking,
as my feet hit the ground.
And though I chased and called,
you never turned around.
Oh, the walk, the hair, the perfume
were the same.
How I wish she would have answered
to your name.
Cause for a minute there,
I thought it was you.
Cause for a minute there,
I swear,
my prayers had come true.
Yes, for a minute there,
I began again to live.
What I wouldn't give...
for just a minute there.
Tonight the stars in heaven are
bright as they can be.

And I swear, one of them is
winking down at me.
And for a minute there,
I thought it was you.
Yes, for a minute there,
I swear,
my prayers had come true.
Yes, for a minute there.
I began again to live.
What I wouldn't give...
for just a minute there.
Oh, what I wouldn't give...
How I'd love to live,
for just a minute there.
Garth Brooks
For a minute there.
photos per images.google.com
a thought for today
Focus on possibilities, not road blocks:
The road of life contains a number of
potholes and speed bumps.
Of course, you will encounter
them from time to time.
But, don't invest large quantities of
your energy focusing on past misfortunes.
Remember this: on the road of life,
regret is a dead end.
"Be careful what you wish for.
I know that for a fact.
Wishes are brutal, unforgiving things.
They burn your tongue the moment they're spoken
and you can never take them back.
They bruise and bake and come back to haunt you."
The Ice Queen
Alice Hoffman
If you can't tell whether your glass is
half-empty or half-full,
you don't need another glass;
what you need is better eyesight...
and a more thankful heart.
--Marie T. Freeman ---
Thoughts For Today
Make the least of all that goes and the most of
all that comes. Don't regret what is past.
Cherish what you have.
Look forward to all that is to come.
And most important of all,
rely moment by moment on Jesus Christ.
--- Gigi Graham Tchividjian ---

Vaccine Produces Leukemia Remissions
Peptide Directs Cells to Kill Cancer, Spare Normal Cells
Scientists have developed a vaccine that can produce a complete molecular remission in some myeloid leukemia patients, according to recent study results.
The vaccine is made from the PR1 peptide, a small part of a protein found on the inside of leukemia cells. The vaccine produced an immune response against cancer in 60% of patients tested (20 of 33 patients), according to the study conducted at M. D. Anderson and presented recently at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology.
Vaccine shows molecular remission
“These are very promising results in a group of patients who were quite sick, and who normally would live for just months,” says the study’s lead investigator Jeffrey Molldrem, M.D., an associate professor in the Department of Blood and Marrow Transplantation at M. D. Anderson.
Of the 20 patients who had an immune response:
Fourteen had an overall survival of four years
Three are in “molecular remission” in which there is no evidence of remaining disease
“Not only can we say that some of these patients had an immune response, but they also went into remission, and that has never been demonstrated to occur after peptide vaccination before for people with leukemia,” Molldrem says. “And for patients who showed an immune response but did not go into remission, progression of their cancer was slowed down compared to patients who did not have an immune response to the vaccine. Of course, we have much more research to do, especially in testing greater numbers of patients within each disease group.”
Nearly all of these patients had either:
Active or relapsed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
Refractory chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), in which there is a dangerous accumulation of immature cells in the bone marrow
High-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a precancerous bone marrow disorder
Delivery of the vaccine stimulates immune cells that recognize the PR1 peptide, which are recruited to the bone marrow, Molldrem says. The PR1 peptide directs immune T-cells to kill the leukemia and leave normal cells alone, he says.
Like many vaccines used to induce immunity against infections, this one appears to create an immune system “memory” for the PR1 peptide, meaning long-lasting protection. “Patients only get the vaccine three times, yet we have been able to measure an immune response in patients four years after treatment,” Molldrem says.
Sometimes we hold onto things for way too long.
We dig in and keep on, keeping on...
Memories are the hardest to part.
You can wake up everyday, up and out...
But sometimes...
sometimes... memories stay.
Who knows for how long.
A year... two...
They never really go away.
Love doesn't just fade on the wind of
It lingers, swirling slightly at your feet.
Music... words...
Love takes up whole slots of your life.
Images surrounded a birthdate, a date, a time...
Places you've been, things you've done.
Memories are like photographs in the back
of that file folder.
It's sitting at a poker table....
It's a truck with a lift kit and a front bar...
It's tow trucks on the highway...
These things don't just disappear...
they fade and surprise you when you
don't expect it.
Good and bad.
In the beginning its like watching the clock,
now it's like a train passing by.
It's the smell of certain colognes...
It's seeing a concert in the front row...
it's songs on an iPod...
It's donuts in a parking lot...
The things in you soul, when you close your
It's remembering the good, and
trying to forget the bad.
Love lingers even when you try so hard
to forget.
"Song For A Friend"