Just Di
You've left pieces of yourself scattered around.
New things, old things, things that were unimportant.
You've left them here, these pieces, for me.
To pick up, to store away...
To decide what to do with them.
Almost like you'll be coming back for them one day.
The trash is just not an option.
They clutter up the spaces you kept.
Strewn in the corners and on chairs.
Remenents of you... in such a short period of time.
They're here, and you're gone.
Back to where you came from, back to the the anger
and the hatred I only saw in letters and voicemails.
Back to the front of your personal battlefield of guilt.
The memory of you still lingers here, like a shadow
left imprinted on my mind.
The blinds opened in the morning, the coffee brewing,
the second cup and spoon gone unused.
The couch as it was left the night before.
Back to our reality as we knew it.
Seperate rooms, seperate thoughts, seperate needs.
Sometimes it feels like the lights have all blown out,
and there's only this one flash light...
And you took it with you when you left.
I miss you.
Standing on the edge of the battlefield...
Ever notice when you're having a good day,
it feels like the whole world is having a bad one,
and vice versa?
It's been a really long week of sadness and tears.
Heart breaking.
It's hard being in the middle of a war that's
being waged.
So many years... too many years...
So much pain filling up the bad, so much
laughter and love filling the rest.
In the moment it too hard to see the good.
It's easier to feel the pain and only see the hate.
Money isn't the end all, be all...
Money doesn't bring happiness, only discorse.