Just Di
It's not like you didn't know it was going to be this way...
It's not like it's some big surprise.
Disappointment is a part of life.
A Big part of life.
I guess you should just appreciate
what you have, even if it's little to
I hate surprises, but I hate being
disappointed even more.
I hate knowing something shitty is
going to happen and knowing there's
not really anything I can do about it,
but suck it up and take it.
It hurts, it sucks, and that's just
the way it is.
No one said life was supposed to make you
happy, or that its your right to be
happy. Some people just are, and some
people just aren't.
This is just the way it is, and you just
have to deal with it.
It hurts, it sucks, move on.