I learned something these last few days.
If you can get over the hurdles in life, the good days, the real special ones
seem that much more special.
Times like these really make you cherish your friends and family.
I've known Tara since we were little. Our mothers were best friends.
I found her again after years of not seeing each other through strange
circumstances when I was in my early 20's.
I met her again one night on East Merrimack Street when I was moving
into my own place. I went onto the balcony and there she was, one
floor down. We stood their smoking cigarettes and talking in the semi-dark.
In my opinion it was meant to be we found each other again as friends.
We share a history of our families. We share memories of childhood.
She's not just my friend, she's my sister.
And that woman, is a smart and sassy and always, always makes my
life that much more special for having her in it.
Thank you Tara, for all the laughs and love!