Silly to think this little kitty could be the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Undying love. Unconditional. My best friend. We understand each other in a
strange bond. I know his different cries and what they mean. Or atleast I'm
really good at guessing just what he wants. This little animal with so much
love for me. He's soft. He's clean. He smells like perfume and fabric softner.
He loves to be touched and he looks up to me like I'm his perfect mama.
He's more than just an animal. He's mine. Frankenstein with the beautiful
blue eyes that look red sometimes. This little man is the light of my life.
I'm glad God gave him to me. He is a joy and comfort. He has this little
frog I bought him that he fetches and it always seems to get into my bed
so as I lay curled up with him, that little blue frog is always wrapped in
his little furry paw. Awwww.