Everyone has fears... everyone
cringes at something...
Whether it be person, place, or thing, regardless of how silly it might seem.
Some people have a deathly fear of bugs of all types.
Some people can't stand in the middle of the mall.
What do you fear?
What's the thing that make you shiver or shake?
What's your deepest, darkest... anything?
What do you fear?
I don't fear beast or beetle. I don't fear fire or cold.
Crowds don't bother me. Water doesn't bother me.
Death isn't what gets me, even when it feels close by.
I fear...
Of never fulfilling what my purpose was during my life.
Of not being a good person. Of giving up.
Of never once finishing anything I set as a goal for myself.
Of never really dreaming and aspiring.
I fear regret.
With the breath of death at my door step, I've only made one
Genuine goal for myself. This one I will not fail.
This one I will finish before they say the final eulogy.
I plan on swimming with the fishes. I want to finally face
something everyone fears and walk away laughing.
Crazy, yes. Stupid, no.
Some of the greatest memories in my life are ones everyone
thought was foolish and crazy.
I've travelled alone to New Orleans.
I've worked on a fishing boat.
I've jumped tandem out of a plane at 25,000 feet.
I've flown on a bungee over a bridge, praying I didn't crack my head on a rock below.
I've ridden the scariest roller coasters.
I've seen England, Spain, and Paris.
I've been to Mexico and many cities across the U.S.
I've fallen in love, and I've fallen out...
And I don't regret one of these crazy, foolish things.
I want to swim with the sharks in South Africa.
That is my dream, that is my goal.
That is the one thing I want to do before I don't have the chance to do it.
Silly, maybe. Stupid, kind of. My dream, yes.