You don't go seven years with a whip cracking in your ear and then all of a sudden forget it was ever there. I'm finally glad I stuck around for so long. I finally get why she was so horrible to me.
I'm sure she didn't have to be so cybil-ish, but I'm sure she thought she was doing the best thing for me. It's kinda funny how I had to lose a close job and now drive 100 miles at 5am to get home at 5:30 or 6. A 3 hour drive home on Friday, to finally find happiness in a job I was born to do.
I've been told for the last 2 weeks just how wondering and valuable I am. My new nickname is the "Powerhouse" and I've made friends with my new unit. I already have a work husband. 2 actually but one is leaving for Wakefield. He just didn't like the commute, but at 25 with an actual young life, who would. I'm an old lady now. I'm 30. I can go to bed at 9 and it only interrupts which Law & Order I get to watch. It just really feels nice to feel as special as I always knew I was. To be told how talented and great I am without a hint of sarcasm. To be told I am a natural at something I was a natural at. Something I learned on my own.
Insurance, sounds so simple. You buy a car, you pay a broker,you get some coverage.
I never through I'd appreciate all I know about insurance and coverages and systems, and computers. I never realized that all those years of playing on a computer would be make me
so damn needed.
I heard the crack of the whip for 7 years, thank god. I wouldn't be so fucking awesome now!