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Just Di

Monday, June 22
I wish you'd just hung up, I was finally forgetting you...after all these years!
Put your pictures in a shoebox and my gold ring in a draw,
I'm not supposed to love you anymore!

I shouldn't care or wonder where, and how you are.
But I can't hide this hurt inside my broken heart.

I'm fighting back emotions that I never fought before,
I'm not supposed to love you, anymore!

Now i'm writing you this letter, and It's killing me tonight.
That I agreed when you walked away and I let you believe
what wasn't right.

And I couldn't sleep up on the bed so I'm down here on the floor,
Where I'm not supposed to love you, anymore!

I just can't hide this hurt inside my broken heart.
I'm fighting back emotions that I've never fought before.
I'm not supposed to love you! Anymore!
Thursday, January 15
I used to love my job. I moved from a manager who hated me from day on for being smart and stuck it out for almost 7 years. When my office closed and we got the choice of leaving the company completely with severance and taking a new job 50 miles away I weighed my decision with a heavy heart and stayed with my company. Now almost a year later I wish sometimes I chose to leave. I went from a supervisor who hated me to now the office manager who hates me. She's up my butt about any little things I do, but I have a great supervisor who is cool and actually treats me with respect. I hate my job now and I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave even though 1/21 will be my 8th year with the company. I just can't stand it anymore. For the last 2 days I've sat in my corner and cried. My drive home I cry. Thank god I sit in a corner facing the corner so no one can see me. I answer the phone trying not to let my voice waiver. I'm afraid of being fired or let go everyday and I'm the breadwinner in my family. If I lose my job or have to find another job we're totally screwed. There is absolutely nothing I can do at all to help this situation. If I tell anyone nothing but worse things will happen and I know the manager will wedge herself further up my butt until she's sitting on my tongue. I'm not a perfect person, but I'm living with cancer. I get up and go to work everyday even when I have to throw up on 93 in rush-hour traffic, when I have to throw up in the nasty bathroom 3 or 4 times a day. I went through 16 weeks of Chemo where I went twice a week for a shot in my spine, ended up with a spinal infection then had to have them in my hip and I still went to work everyday and did my best without complaint, without anyone noticing anything was wrong. I can't hide my pain anymore. I can't stop the tears from coming to my eyes anymore. I have so much to cry about and I don't. I cry about work... not about the fact I have to have radiation 5 times a day on my stomach because I had a tumor the size of a golf ball growing on the bottom half of it. Or about the fact my life is simply falling apart in the love department, or about the bills that are piling up because I chose a man who cannot seem to get off his lazy butt to help out. That to me is what I should be crying over, not a job I actually like doing. I don't even mind the 2 hour traffic I sit in everyday. But how can I go on when I have someone who says they don't hate me and just wants to see me succeed but takes every chance to down grade me to make me a what? stronger employee? What the heck am I going to do?
Sunday, September 28
Life & Death
We lost Grammy Seaman a few months ago and we are now losing another wonderful soul.
Grammy Collins is slowly fading away. They've given her 24 hours to live and now we're
all just waiting and watching our watches and holding our breath.
Last night we went to the wonderful wedding of Lou & Tiff.
My brothers baby is due in December.
We've been to 2 funerals this year and now we're making it 3.
Needless to say, this has not been a good year.
The notice of a brain tumor, the fact I can't keep food down for longer than 3 hours lately
has been weighing on us all.
I go for a CT scan on Tuesday of my stomach. Then I have to schedule an Arthroscope if anything
comes of the CT scan.
It all just smacks a little too close to home for Billy.
He lost is grandfather in 97 to Leukemia and a stomach tumor.
This really just isn't our year.
Friday, September 19
It's been a long time
It's been harder and harder for me to go onto the internet after work
and the doctors. I've started to not even bother, the computer sits there
all week at home, unused. It's been the same ole, same ole these days.
The tumor in the head shrank with steroids and I went on an aggresive
chemo treatment for 16 weeks twice a week with chemo injected directly
into my spine. It was harsh and rough and it took alot out of me.
The only thing I like to do now is sleep when I can, if I can and for as long
as I can.
They've put me on different medicine but I've remained tough throughout.
I still go to work everyday and I try not to whine or cry about my situation,
I've realized finally there really is no point.
Alot of things have happened since May. Mostly crazy horrible things but
I've gotten through most of them unscathed.
My brother is having another child. This makes number 6. He moved in with
my mother with 4 of the kids so their lives have been crazy.
I'm still in Quincy and end up driving a 100 miles aday just to get back and forth
to work. It was a little crazy when gas prices rose. I would end up paying 160 a week
just to get to work and that doesn't even count anything else.
I've been to a few weddings, a few more funerals. It's been a sad time in life.
This year has been pretty rough, and I don't really see it getting much easier until
2009 but there's always hope that this too shall pass.
I've been spending alot of time reading the bible when I can keep my eyes open,
and laying in bed watching television and movies when I can't.
The tumor came back as of 2 weeks ago and though it was the size of pea it's now
formed into the size of the nickel and is pinching the main artery in my brain.
I've seen the nuerologist, oncologist, and we're working on a plan. So we'll see.
I never really pictured this is how my life would be, waiting it out day to day, but
this is the hand God dealt me and I plan on playing it til the end.
Thank you for all the emails and concern as to where the heck I went from May until
now. I bet a few people thought I fell off the face of the earth or ended up in it.
So I came to say I'm still here, still kicking, still fighting...
Friday, May 2
falling hard
Reality finally caught up with us on Tuesday.
I had my PET scan last week and now there's more things to worry about.
I have a tumor the size of a pencil eraser that 8 months ago was the size of
the tip of a pencil. I'm going back on the dreaded spinal chemo.
I have a Nuero appointment on the 9th to decide if Radiation is better.
We'll see. We already decided I'm going to get a skull tattoo on my head
instead of the dreaded X they love to tattoo on your skull.
Atleast when I'm bold I'll look tough :P
My mom and dad came with me for the appointment and they're thinking
another bone marrow transplant so my MDS doesn't turn into full blown ACL.
Lucky me.
Life is so fucked up!
Wednesday, April 16
Opening my eyes

When I first found out:
It was a shock. I went through every stage of anger, grief, denial, hated... I dealt with it by myself and it seemed no one understood what was happening. I looked healthy. I was a semi-happy person. I chose to go alone than take someone who seemed to care for me in their own way. I didn't tell my mother for months. I researched everything I could. I never realized how hard it would be. Back then I thought it was no big deal. Who gives a shit, people live til their 80 with cancer.

What hurts the most:
It's a stigma. People wait to see how long it will take. Pity. Not being able to control my tears when I talk about it. The blood work that makes you look like a junky until there are no good veins left. The lack of privacy with your naked body. The way people look past you, not at you when they do a procedure. Spinals with strangers holding your hands. Chemo. Chemo. Chemo.
Waiting for your hair to fall out and hoping it skips you. People having a certain image of Cancer in their mind. The word Cancer. Having to tell anyone I have it, why I go to the doctors so much. Why I look so tired. Why I pass out at Shaw's with 3 bags of hoodsie cups in my hands. Doing dishes and ending up on the floor and not knowing how you got there. A small brain tumor because that's what Chemo can do. Joint pain like you were 90. Waiting til the last minute to take pain killers. Headaches that last for weeks that feel like your brain is exploding in your head. Blurry vision. Forgetting things. Thinking God might be trying to make me feel stupid for being vain about my intelligence. Steroid fat. Having to plan your funeral ahead of time. Signing at direction to pay so no one has to choose your casket or flowers while their dying inside and crying. To know the one you love will die. To knowing I will die. Hoping for 50 more years, but not with Cancer. Having to tell HR and my bosses. Having to tell my friends. Having to tell my family. People asking a billion questions after I just saw the doctor and still haven't computed all the information. The emotional days 24 hours later. Sitting behind the desk at the doctors decorated office while he tells you, you have a disease and he had no clue where it came from. Having them take 2 years to find it. Medicine. Pills, Pills, Pills. Shots, Shots, Shots. Bone marrow extraction. IVs. Having regrets about my past. Memories. Feeling like there so much I want to do.

Dreams... crazy

I want to touch a large elephant. I can't tell you why, but I want to see it up close and feel it's body.

I want to swim with sharks. If I had an extra 2000 I'd get to scuba and feed them on stakes with wearing a special chainmail shark suit. Hey, Mike Rowe did it.

I want ride on my back of a motorcycle without holding on, no helmet with the wind in my HAIR!

I want to relive one of the greatest memories... walking about Tweeter with backstage passes like we were the shit. See these great rockstars upclose, screaming inside but acting like they were just another person when they stood next to me. Dying for an autograph and never have the balls to ask because everyone always did that. Hanging back stage and meeting some really wonderful people. I want to do that again.

I want to ride a horse one last time. I want to see if I can remember all those lessons. I want to brush it and pick it's shoes and and re hay it's barn. Crazy huh?

I want to pick oranges or apples or wild flowers for a farm. I want to touch beautiful flowers and think about what a gift they are from God, how this little seed can make one of the most beautiful things in nature.

I want to not worry about germs, or bone marrow, or spinals, or doctors, or blood tests for just one day.

I guess that's alot of things huh? Dreams are just that, doesn't mean they always come true.
I just want everyone I've ever hurt to realize I was stupid, young and scared shitless of life that I now I wish I could have done some things differently. Back then I was a better talker than listener. I wish I thought how precious those days were and all those good memories are there for me always. And the bad, well I'm sorry. I wish I could take back the pain I've ever caused anyone or anything.

You don't really realize life isn't forever until it hits you in the face. No ones Superman. No one lasts forever. And life is always about just yourself, what you do, what you did, who you were.
Too bad it took me so long to realize just how precious every experience and event that would have seemed so stupid before is just so goddamn beautiful now.
call it a mystery...

Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
(Myelodysplasia, Preleukemia, Smoldering Leukemia, Subacute Leukemia)
Pronounced: My-e-lo-dys-plas-tic syn-dromes

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of diseases that involve dysfunction of the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the tissue found within the bones; its task is to create mature blood cells from stem cells. In all forms of MDS, this normal cell-creation process is disrupted by the overproduction of clones of a single stem cell. This leads to a decrease in production of normal red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
There are five types of MDS. Some forms are more serious than others; all of them are serious enough to require a physician’s care. Thirty percent of people with MDS develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells and their parent cells. Many blood disease experts consider MDS to be a type of cancer.
Location of Active Bone Marrow in an Adult
Copyright © 2005 Nucleus Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.nucleusinc.com/

The cause of MDS is unknown, but research shows that certain risk factors are associated with the disease.
Risk Factors
A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition.
The following factors are associated with a higher risk for developing MDS:
Family members with MDS or Fanconi anemia (Fanconi anemia is a rare type of anemia )
Exposure to large amounts of radiation
Exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzene
Exposure to pesticides
Radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy treatment for cancer
Typically, there are no symptoms in the early stages of MDS. Later stage symptoms may vary from person to person, depending on how serious the disease is. Later stage symptoms may include:
Signs of anemia due to underproduction or red blood cells include:
Shortness of breath
Pale skin
Feeling weak and tired
Congestive heart failure (in severe cases)
Neutropenia occurs when there are inadequate levels of white blood cells. White blood cells fight infection. Signs of this condition include:
Frequent, unusual, or especially serious infections
Thrombocytopenia occurs when there are inadequate levels of platelets in the blood. Platelets stop bleeding by clotting the blood. Signs of thrombocytopenia include:
Bleeding easily, especially from the nose and gums
Bruising easily
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. The symptoms for MDS can indicate many other conditions. Doctors have to rule out other conditions before diagnosing MDS.
Tests may include the following:
Blood test to check your red and white blood cell counts and platelet counts and to check how the blood cells look.
Bone marrow biopsy to check for MDS. A bone marrow biopsy is the removal of a sample of bone marrow for testing.
Your doctor may also order other tests to rule out other conditions.
Treatment for MDS depends on your age, other medical conditions, and how serious the disease is. Treatment also depends on how far along the disease has progressed to AML. Often, treatment includes relieving the symptoms of MDS. Talk with your doctor about the best treatment plan for you. You may be referred to a hematologist and an oncologist. A hematologist specializes in blood diseases. An oncologist specializes in cancer. Treatment options include:
Blood Transfusion
If you have a low red blood cell, white blood cell, or platelet count, you may receive a blood transfusion. A blood transfusion is a treatment that involves receiving blood products (red cells, white cells, platelets, clotting factors, plasma, or whole blood) through a vein. The blood components may come from an unrelated donor, from a related donor, or may have been banked in advance by the recipient.
If you have a low white blood cell count, you may receive antibiotics to fight infection.
Growth Factors
Growth factors help the bone marrow produce blood cells. The following growth factors may be used to treat MDS:
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a growth factor that helps the bone marrow produce red blood cells.
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF) and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factors (GM-CSF) are growth factors that help the bone marrow produce white blood cells.
Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be given in many forms including: pill, injection, or via a catheter. The drugs enter the bloodstream and travel through the body killing mostly cancer cells, but also some healthy cells.
Stem Cell Transplant
Many doctors will only perform a stem cell transplant on a patient that is age 50 or younger. A stem cell transplant is a procedure in which healthy stem cells from a donor’s blood are injected into a recipient's vein.

Bone Marrow Transplant
Many doctors will only perform a bone marrow transplant on a patient that is age 50 or younger. A bone marrow transplant is a procedure in which healthy stem cells from a donor's bone marrow are injected into a recipient's vein.
To help reduce your chances of getting MDS, take the following steps:
Avoid exposure to hazardous chemicals such as benzene
Don’t smoke or if you do smoke, quit
Reduce your risk for developing cancer:
Eat a balanced, healthful diet.
Stay active.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Avoid environmental and occupational risks.
American Cancer Society
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Myelodysplastic Syndromes Foundation
Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of Canada
Neutropenia Support Association
Ableoff M, ed. Clinical Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2005.
Ableoff M, ed. Clinical Oncology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2004.
Cancer Prevention page. American Cancer Society website. Available at: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/ped_1.asp?sitearea=PED. Accessed September 28, 2005.
Frequently asked questions about MDS page. The Myelodysplastic Syndromes Foundation website. Available at: http://www.mds-foundation.org/pdf/CEL411%20Factsht%20v8.pdf. Accessed September 14, 2005.
Goldman L, ed. Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 22nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company; 2004.
Hoffman R, Benz E, Shattil S, et al, eds. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2005.
Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Dynamed website. Available at: http://www.dynamicmedical.com/dynamed.nsf?opendatabase. Accessed September 13, 2005.
Myelodysplastic syndromes: a review for patients, families, friends, and healthcare professionals. Patient information page. The Myelodysplastic Syndromes Foundation website. Available at: http://www.mds-foundation.org/patientinfo.htm. Accessed September 14, 2005.
Myelodysplastic syndromes facts & statistics page. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society website. Available at: http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/all_page?item_id=55445. Accessed September 22, 2005.
Myelodysplastic syndromes page. National Marrow Donor Program website. Available at: http://www.marrow.org/PATIENT/myelodysplastic_syndromes.html. Accessed September 22, 2005.
Myelodysplastic syndromes: treatment page. National Cancer Institute website. Available at: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/myelodysplastic. Accessed: September 22, 2005.
Overview: myelodysplastic syndrome page. American Cancer Society website. Available at: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_2_1x_What_Are_Myelodysplastic_Syndromes_65.asp?rnav=cri. Accessed September 22, 2005.
Understanding myelodysplastic syndromes: a patient handbook. Patient information page. The Myelodysplastic Syndromes Foundation website. Available at: http://www.mds-foundation.org/patientinfo.htm. Accessed September 14, 2005.
Last reviewed January 2008 by Igor Puzanov, MD
Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Copyright ©
EBSCO Publishing. All rights reserved.
Thursday, April 10
so why can't I stop ?

Saturday, April 5
Emotions that are not readily acknowledged or accepted, and instead are
denied or repressed, given rise to emotional dreams. These magnify your inner feelings in ways
that can be intense and uncomfortable.
Fears are confronted through nightmares, and common motifs are terrifying dreams of being attacked or pursued, or trapped with no apparent escape route.
Anxiety can spark dreams in which you are panicking about being late for a
meeting, or are amoung a crowd of people, and realize with horror that you are naked.
In times of stress, your dreams can provide an outlet for buried feelings, and can act as a sfety valve.
Feelings of frustration, anger, fear, or envy that you would prefer not to face are brought to your attention while you sleep.
Powerful emotions can bring about pleasant dreams as well, such as dreaming of a lover,
or being in a beautiful place
Wednesday, March 26
big shot
Has anyone ever gotten it back together again?
What if I lost a piece?
What if everyone you love takes a piece with them?
What's the recommended amount of pieces missing?
How many get you to heaven?
How many get you to hell?
Monday, March 24
scared shitless

Wednesday, March 19
where tears fall like rain...
Norma I. Seaman

PLAISTOW, N.H. — Norma Irene (Fitts) Seaman, 80, of Plaistow, N.H., and former longtime Haverhill resident, died Sunday, March 16, 2008 at the Merrimack Valley Hospital, Haverhill.
She was born in Rochester, N.H., Sept. 17, 1927, daughter of the late N. Leon and Vida Mary (Arnold) Fitts.
She was educated in the Haverhill school system and graduated from Haverhill High School.
Norma worked as a layout operator and retired after 30 years at the former Western Electric/AT&T Haverhill and North Andover.
She was lovingly devoted to her family and friends and an avid Red Sox fan, bingo and scrabble player. She also enjoyed traveling with friends and family. She was an active member of the Haverhill Whittier Club and was a fixture on the Board of Directors for the GHECA.
She was the wife of the late Earle William "Buddy" Seaman Jr. who died in 1983 and her survivors include her children, Richard E. Seaman and his wife Linda of Plaistow, N.H., Gary M. Seaman and his wife Margaret Ann of Haverhill, Larry P. Seaman and his wife Sheila of Salem, N.H., Deborah Lee and her husband Steven Arthur of Kensington, N.H., Melissa A. LaChance of Bradford; two sisters, Shirley Osgood Bailey and her husband Arthur of Plaistow, N.H., Natalie Goodall and her husband Leonard of Ormond Beach, Fla.; eight grandchildren, William Seaman and his wife Diane, Jeffrey Seaman and his wife Cara, Victoria LaMothe, Jillian and Jennifer Seaman, Justin "JW" Gitschier, Randy and Shawna LaChance; three great-grandchildren, Timmy, Matty and Brayden Seaman; a sister-in-law, Marlene Seaman of Haverhill; as well as several cousins, nieces and nephews and friends.
ARRANGEMENTS: Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service Thursday at 11 a.m. at the H.L. Farmer & Sons Funeral Home, 106 Summer St., Haverhill. Burial will be in Linwood Cemetery, Haverhill. Calling hours at the funeral home are Wednesday afternoon and evening from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Contributions in her memory may be made to the
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American Cancer Society, 9 Riverside Road, Weston, MA 02493, or to the charity of the donor's choice. Condolences to her family may be made at www.farmerfuneralhomes.com.
Saturday, March 15
Le odio tan...
¿Por qué yo?
Una pregunta me pregunto diario.
Mi vida está infierno debe él ser esta manera
No se lanzó ningunas ocasiones siempre mi manera.
¿Era la suerte del drenaje?
¿Era destinado a descomponerse lejos?
Pregunto mi propósito aquí.
También he conseguido nadie para endear.
Soy amargo resentido y más para todas las cosas negativas que sucedieron que acabo de almacenar.
Aquí vamos yo estamos perdiendo otra vez el alojamiento aquí que vamos yo no estamos otra vez asustados demostrarle que cuánto le odio sus opiniones no es nada en mis mentiras pathetic de los outcries de los ojos mi rabia nos vuela arriba no está igual en este juego donde no están ningún aumento los reinados del dolor allí odian los drenes de cada día del restos apenas.
No hay nada aquí miseria loathsome justa.
El desear la unidad es justo una fantasía.
No puedo asimilar a lo que no puedo relacionarme me siento que grande irritar allí es siempre odio.
Mis pares supuestos detrás me he dejado, sobrepasado.
No hay nada para mí miseria sola triste justa.
Nunca se hay un futuro a continuación ningunos por lo que el ojo puede ver.
Ningunas roturas.
Me está sujetando hacia abajo.
Machacamiento de mí a la tierra.
Odio, soy soulless.
La miseria, me ha dejado soulless.
¡Soy su enemigo no doy vuelta a su parte posteriora en mí!
¡Soy el enemigo que usted hizo este odio usted ve!
¿Me pregunto porqué soy así que bendecido, bendecido con nada pero la rabia que no se aplacará?
Mi suerte en este mundo au'n-fue llevada.
Estoy de luto, sea tan bueno sea malo así que me rasgan.
¡Estancia fuera del apuro mi cabeza que todavía perforo!
¡La mierda en mi vida es bastante que deseo matar!
¡Usted es diciéndome cómo ser y lo que no consiguió hacerle ninguna pista que soy verdad a mí tan vete a la mierda!
Me han dejado detrás sobrepasado por mis pares supuestos!
¡No hay nada para mí miseria sola triste justa!
¡Nunca se hay un futuro a continuación!
¡Ningunos hasta el ojo pueden considerar!
Ningunas roturas, me está sosteniendo abajo de machacarme a la tierra.
¡Odio, soy soulless!
¡La miseria me ha dejado soulless!
¡Soy su enemigo!
¡No dé vuelta a su parte posteriora en mí!
¡Soy el enemigo!
¡Usted hizo este odio que usted ve!
¿Me pregunto porqué soy así que bendecido?
¿Bendecido con nada pero la rabia que no se aplacará?
¡Mi suerte en este mundo au'n-fue llevada!
Estoy de luto tan sea bueno sea malo así que me rasgan.
¡Estancia fuera del apuro mi cabeza que todavía perforo!
¡La mierda en mi vida es bastante que deseo matar!
¡Usted es diciéndome cómo ser y lo que a hacer, usted no consiguió ninguna pista!
¡Soy verdad a mí ¡Tan vete a la mierda! ¡Creo en nada!
¡No hay nada a la izquierda sostenerme para arriba! ¡Creo en nada!
¡El deslizarse y el hundirse a una existencia sin valor! ¡Creo en nada!
¡No hay nada a la izquierda sostenerme para arriba!
¡Creo en nada! ¡El descolorarse lejos a un nothingness vacío!
¿Sé que me han pasado por alto, por qué yo?
¿No puede encontrar felicidad, podría ser que no veo?
¿Izquierda en la obscuridad, por qué yo?
¿Por qué debo jugar a la víctima en este juego que de imitación me?
¿Sé que me han pasado por alto, por qué yo?
¿No puede encontrar felicidad, podría ser que no veo?
¿Izquierda en la obscuridad, por qué yo?
¿Por qué debo jugar a la víctima en este juego que de imitación me?
¡Creo en nada! ¡No hay nada a la izquierda sostenerme para arriba!
¡Creo en nada! ¡El deslizarse y el hundirse a una existencia sin valor!
¡Creo en nada! ¡No hay nada a la izquierda sostenerme para arriba!
¡Creo en nada! ¡El descolorarse lejos a un nothingness vacío!
Monday, March 3
Stand still, look pretty.
There's no "i" in team...

Friday, February 29
giving me some trouble

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